Headshot for medical residency application in Louisiana

Headshot for medical residency application in Louisiana

Cydney needed a great business headshot for her application and interview for medical residency in Louisiana.

These days a professional headshot can be more important than ever. When so many applications and interviews are happening online rather than in person, you need to have a great headshot photo that is going to give you the first impression you desire.

Competition is high for jobs, for places in fellowships and residency, don't let something as simple as a bad head shot photo that was maybe taken with your cell phone be the thing that lets down your application. Crisp, clean and simple headshots are always going to give a more professional look and let the recipient of your application know that you take pride in everything you do.

You can book your headshot online for my Louisiana photography studio in Baton Rouge.

Location: 11857 Bricksome Ave, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.